Monday, February 26, 2007

Cadmium Yellow - Pigment Information and Meanings of the Colour Yellow

The pigment in Cadmium Yellow is based upon cadmium sulphide which produces a golden yellow pigment.

The pigment was first discovered in 1818 and is still in use today.

How it was made

Cadmium sulphide was prepared with an acid solution of cadmium salt which was heated with hydrogen sulphide gas until a powder was formed. The hues range from a lemon yellow to a deep orange.

Permanence of this pigment is excellent. The deeper varieties of cadmium yellow and orange are the most permanent.

Not for murals!

However Cadmium Yellow does discolour with combined exposure to the light, water and carbon dioxide by forming cadmium carbonate. For that reason it can not be used in mural painting techniques.

Pigment exposed to the same amount of light used on canvas or panel will not change. Therefore cadmium pigments are classified as absolutely permanent with the exception that they are not suitable for the exterior applications and for mural painting techniques.

The pigment is used in both oil and watercolours.

Some Meanings of Yellow

Although considered an optimistic colour people lose their tempers more in yellow rooms and babies cry more often, not the best colour for a nursery then. ;-)

Yellow has good visibility and is used as a colour of warning. It is also used as a symbol of quarantine or for an area marked off because of some danger.

Spanish executioner once wore yellow – they sound quite dangerous!

In Egypt and Burma yellow is a sign of mourning.

Yellow enhances concentration and speeds up your metabolism.

Yellow is the colour of peace for holistic healers.

In ancient Rome yellow was the most popular wedding colour.

A yellow ribbon is a sign of support for soldiers.

In India it is a symbol for a farmer or merchant.

In the Middle Ages actors portraying the dead in a play wore yellow.

In 10th century France the doors of traitors and criminals were painted yellow.

If someone is considered a coward it is said that they have a yellow streak.

As with the other colours we have looked at there is a range of meanings and symbolism.

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